Estudio inicial del comportamiento de parámetros priorizados mediante gráficos de control en un taller artesanal ladrillero de la ciudad de Cuenca
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managing process parameter variability in manufacturing systems. However, their utilization is predominantly limited to professionals with advanced statistical expertise, which hinders their accessibility to artisan-level operations. This study aimed to evaluate the variability behavior of prioritized key parameters using control charts to detect trends, patterns, and potential causes of variation. The methodology involved the identification and prioritization of critical parameters that directly impact the quality of the final product, in collaboration with a ceramic technician with extensive industry experience and expertise in regulatory standards. Data were subsequently collected through tailored experimental trials aligned with the operational conditions of the artisan workshop at each process stage. Furthermore, this research seeks to equip the brick-making artisan workshop of the Gremio de Alfareros Ecológicos del Azuay (San José de Racar area) with the knowledge and tools necessary to leverage control charts for identifying variability within their production workflows. The results, visualized through variable and attribute control charts, revealed that the process exhibits an out-of-control state across most stages, with extrusion and
drying identified as the most critical subprocesses. These insights underscore the imperative of implementing targeted process improvement strategies to stabilize these critical phases and enhance overall product quality.
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